14 January 2010

it was a bright clear day....

so as the title suggests one sunny, not a cloud in the sky day i found myself at another one of my companies terminals. i think my truck was in the shop for a b-service (oil change/lube) and there was a group of us shootin the shit and smokin outside. well the terminal had recently gone through a remodel and there was a giant hole in the ground were the old fuel tank used to be. can you see where this is going? yes it really happened. so we are sitting there smoking when around the corner this guy comes in his bobtail (truck no trailer), now i can not stress enough it was a bright , clear day, anyway i guess he was in another world or something because sure enough he put that whole tractor right in that f'ing hole. it even had cones and tape around it! how this guy did not see the hole is beyond me, needless to say any pigmentation in this fellows skin (side note he was like west indian or something very tan fellow) was GONE. he was whiter than the background of this blog. hell it took us like 20 minutes to convince him to let go of the steering wheel and roll down the window. we finally got him out, but this is clearly a lesson in looking around and getting the big picture.  well another one tomorrow take care and keep it rubber side to the road.

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