17 January 2010

Common terms in my life

so i was thinking about what to post today and it hit me that there are like all these things that i say on a regular basis that are either trucking specific or gay specific and people that are not used to one or the other or both dont know what they mean. so i decided to put some down with their definition. ok here goes:
1. bobtail - [truck] driving just the tractor with out a trailer attached.
2. drop and hook - [truck] a load where you switch out trailers. either it is pre-loaded so you bring in an empty and switch for the load or they are not ready to unload yet so you bring in a load and swap out for empty
3. pigtail - [truck] the electrical connection between tractor and trailer (called this because it is coiled)
4. slip seat - [truck] a tractor that is shared among many drivers (not me i have an assigned tractor only i drive it and dont drive any others f*%# slip seating lol)
5. dm - [truck] driver manager used to be called dispatcher, my person that connects me to the company, btw i have the best dm in the world if i need something she makes it happen, i think in  the 3 yrs ive had her ive been late for hometime like maybe twice. kelly you rock!
6. hometime - [truck] my days off. i sometimes have time off in between hometimes but this is the main time off when i get multi days just to relax etc. standard is 7 days out 1 day off with a min of 14 days out
7. lumper - [truck] person hired to unload trailer
8. pta - [truck] projected time of availability  time when i think i will be ready for my next load and the hours ill have to run at that time
9. log book - [truck] document that states when i am off duty/sleeper berth/driving/on duty for every 15 minutes of the day i must be one of the 4 options and i must log it and show which i was
10. hours - [truck] i live by a log book (see 9) when referring to hours this means of the 10 i can drive in any given 14 hour period without a break how many i have left
11. top - [gay] usually but not always the person that is dominate in bed i.e. inserting
12. bottom - [gay] the other person
13. queen - [gay] generally references a guy that dresses as a women to perform on stage but can reference a general bitchy attitude of a generally more feminine person. this should not be confused with transvestites nor transgenders
14. butch - [gay] a very masc person male or female (side note just because someone is butch does not automatically make them a top)
15. nelly - [gay] a feminine male (again this does not mean they are a bottom)
16. chaser - [gay/straight] a person (generally skinny) who loves, is attracted to larger people
17. live load - [truck] a load that is loaded/unloaded at a dock while your tractor is still attached to trailer.
18. rdo - [truck] remaining days out. of your previously stated commitment (min 14 days) how many you have left before you are to be on your hometime.
19. lot lizard - [truck] a prostitute (generally female not sure what the male version is called) that hangs out in a truck stop or rest area, generally uses cb to talk up business, but will go truck to truck knocking, especially the party row
20. party row - [truck] the back row(s) in a truck stop generally less well lit and out of the way of prying eyes

ok that is all i can think of right now if i think of any more i'll post them another time.

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